The article explores the world of fashion in the post-Covid 19 era and investigates how customers perceive the buying process through digital tools like e-commerce and e-marketplaces. The aim is to provide recommendations for adapting to the new process of buying. The authors conducted a survey to analyze customer adaptation using digital tools in the buying process and found that digital learning tools can help in fashion.
The research delves into customer perceptions in the world of e-commerce and e-marketplaces through qualitative analysis. The authors shared questionnaires via email and social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook from January to December 2022, obtaining a non-probabilistic sample of 1266 consumers of luxury fashion brands.
The research concludes that the main contribution of digital tools is their ability to enhance consumer loyalty through proximity to the customer and constant contact. The luxury market favors social media as a mode of communication, valuing the fast transmission of messages and easy interaction with consumers.
Most luxury consumers spend more than 4 to 5 hours a day on the internet, especially in the younger age groups. The majority of the sample consulted social media through mobile phones due to convenience and lack of time. Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are the social media platforms most preferred by these consumers. The study provided helpful information for luxury market managers to understand the usage of technology among customers.
Appropriate support through mobile applications can contribute to the intention to continue using luxury social media and facilitate a long-term relationship between luxury brands and customers.
Author(s) Details:
Maria Nascimento Cunha,
Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC Lisboa), Portugal and Scientific Council of CIAC – Centro de Investigação de Artes e Comunicação, Portugal.
Jorge Figueiredo,
Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão, Portugal.
Isabel Oliveira,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.
Maçães, Manuel,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.
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