The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. And a lot of it is unknown. Hundreds of scientists have teamed up to find a way through the labyrinth. They created a map of the human brain.
What goes on in people’s heads is still a mystery. Hundreds of scientists have teamed up to find a way through the labyrinth. They created a map of the human brain. Experts say that such a detailed ‘Atlas’ has never been made before. They identified more than 3,000 types of cells. Many of these cells were previously unknown. The 21 papers were published in the journals’ Science ‘,’ Science Advances’ and ‘Science Translational Medicine’.
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. And a lot of it is unknown. “This is a very important study,” said Anthony Hannon, a neurologist at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne, Australia. ” Scientists have previously mapped the brain using magnetic resonance imaging. But it didn’t have a lot of detail. This is the first time a complete brain atlas has been created at the cell-level. Molecular reactions in brain cells have also been detected.
The study is part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. More advanced neurotechnology has been used in it. Hundreds of scientists from all over the world are involved in this research. The main goal of this project is to create a catalog of brain cells. Scientists are trying to collect information about brain cells and their types not only from humans, but also from chimpanzees to mice, various animals. In this way, scientists believe that it will be possible to know about various diseases of the brain and its causes.
Kimberly Siletti, a neuroscientist at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, and her team have played a significant role in creating the brain map. They’re the brain
More than 30 lakh cells from 106 sites have been RNA sequenced. The test was done by collecting cells from three donated male bodies. The motor cortex of a woman’s corpse was also used. Kimberly discovered 461 types of cells. Among those cells again there are 3000 subtypes. “I was shocked to see so many bodies. ” “The brainstem connects the brain and the spinal cord,” “said Stan Linnerson, another of the researchers.” This part has the largest number of neurons. In this study, we have seen how complex the brainstem is. ”
Bing Ren, a molecular biologist at the University of California, said that the study revealed the brain disorders as well as the manipulation of the anomalous genes behind them. In this way, brain disorders can be better understood. And if the disease is diagnosed, it can be cured.
This news is a creative derivative product from articles published in famous peer-reviewed journals and Govt reports:
1.Kimberly Siletti et al. ,Transcriptomic diversity of cell types across the adult human brain.Science 382, eadd 7046 (2023).DOI: 10.1126/science.add7046
2.Conroy, Gemma. “This is the largest map of the human brain ever made.” Nature 622.7984 (2023): 679-680.
3.Kamath, Tushar, et al. “Single-cell genomic profiling of human dopamine neurons identifies a population that selectively degenerates in Parkinson’s disease.” Nature neuroscience 25.5 (2022): 588-595.