power density

Due to the increasing small size of semiconductor devices and growing power density, it is necessary to have a complete thermal modeling to ensure a balance between electrical power and heat dissipation. However, the traditional method of using universal physical fully-3D simulators is not effective due to its complexity and the large amount of CPU time it requires for numerical solutions. Thus, the thermal properties of modern packages have not been thoroughly investigated. To address this issue, a Quasi-3D approach was introduced to simplify and speed up numerical thermal modeling of electronic systems in package (SiP), taking into account the main features of SiP constructions including 3D integration of ICs and the board, a large number of thinned layers of different materials, and short vertical z-axis interconnections through the package layers. This approach transforms the complex 3D problem into a simpler problem described by the system of 2D equations for the set of package layers. A software tool called Quasi-3D-Overheat was developed for SiP thermal simulation which simplifies pre- and post-data processing and reduces CPU time by 5-10 times while maintaining sufficient accuracy. The simulation error of the maximum temperature TMAX for different types of packages is no more than 10-20%.

Author(s) Details:

Konstantin O. Petrosyants,
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics), Moscow, Russia and Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Nikita I. Ryabov,
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics), Moscow, Russia.

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