DNA stabilization

Molecular methods are accurate, convenient and uniform procedures, but they need to be made more simple, robust, and inexpensive for usage under field conditions and operable by semi-skilled personnel. Since DNA is highly degradable, we have started with the process of “DNA stabilization or immortalization”. We have proposed eight homemade molecular devices, detection kits, and methods which are a few steps in that direction.

Our report includes two inexpensive homemade instruments: an “ultra-rapid thermal cycler” for PCR detections and a “Portable Transformation device” that costs only INR 1300 (15.63 USD) for putting any gene into the cells for amplification, expression or integration in the genome. We have also developed two homemade “field Surveillance Kits” that have infinite shelf life under ambient conditions and are perhaps the least expensive in the world. They are suitable for screening large numbers of samples at the same time, and can be operated even under field conditions by semi-skilled personnel. These kits are for detecting infections in humans and animals, and for determining the sex of large numbers of plants like “Banana” simultaneously at the nursery stage.

We have also included a few simplified methods such as rapid identification of microorganisms from clinical samples under field conditions, a method for inexpensive, efficient and easy DNA synthesis (used for generation of DNA probe, primer, translation, expression etc.), and a method for easy and quantitative isolation and preservation of large quantities of DNA.

Author(s) Details:

Lahiri S. S.,
Defence R & D Est., D.R.D.O., Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India and Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science (INMAS), DRDO, New Delhi, India and Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India and Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Singh R.,
Defence R & D Est., D.R.D.O., Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Karothia B. S.,
Defence R & D Est., D.R.D.O., Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Giredhar M.,
Center for Bio-Hybrid Medical Systems, Forckenbeckstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany.

Chakraborty A.,
Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK.

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