The formula is similar to the way Einstein showed.
- Is it possible to time travel? Or is it just a figment of someone’s imagination?
- There seems to be a ‘realistic’ way to approach the future. At least, that’s what it seems like.
- But there are serious doubts about whether it is possible to go to the past at all.
With this device it is possible to travel to the past and the future.With the help of a time machine, a person can go to Egypt five thousand years ago and see the construction of the pyramid with his own eyes. Why five thousand, seventy five million years ago, you can see what kind of creatures the dinosaurs were. ‘ Those who are fans of Satyajit Ray and followers of Professor Shanku need not be told that this is a part of any article. Yes, Professor Rondi’s time machine. H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine was published in 1895. Readers have been reading the story ever since. Along with Satyajit in this Bangla, many people have written about time travel. Even a recent Bengali film should be included among the numerous films made all over the world. ‘Abhi Sen ‘, which was made in 2015, was not a commercial success but it portrayed the time travel in Kolkata of the eighties in a great way. The question that remains is whether time travel is possible or just a figment of the imagination.
Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that past, present, and future are nothing but a stubborn and endless illusion. He questioned the existence of absolute time and showed that the passage of time is not constant; it can speed up or slow down. Last November, British astrophysicist Emma Osborne noted that time travel is scientifically plausible and reflects the real world.
If your speed is fast, time will go slowly. This is similar to the way the speed of a river can increase or decrease. This phenomenon gives rise to the twin paradox. Suppose one of two twin brothers is sent into space at the speed of light (or close to it). The other brother remains on earth. The twin who went to space will age more slowly than his brother on earth, meaning that he will appear younger than his twin brother when he returns to earth. This phenomenon was tested in real life when Scott Kelly and Mark Kelly were sent into space. However, time travel has not been fully tested because achieving the speed of light has not yet been mastered. Another experiment, known as the Hafel Keating Experiment, used two atomic clocks to test the theory of relativity. One of the clocks was kept in an aircraft, and the other was placed on the ground. It was found that the clock in the sky fell behind the other clock. This experiment shows that Einstein’s statement, “time is not constant at all, it is relative,” is true. Based on these theories, visiting the future is possible without a time machine. One can achieve this by running at or near the speed of light or spending time in a very intense gravitational field, which has not yet been achieved by humans. Russian astronaut Gennady Pedalka spent the longest time in space (879 days) and flew at a speed of 28,000 per hour. As a result, he also traveled to the future, but only by 0.02 seconds. Finally, there is another theory of time travel known as the wormhole theory, which is related to relativism. However, creating a wormhole in reality requires a deep understanding of spacetime. The movie Interstellar depicts this theory in greater detail.
There is another theory about time travel. And that is connected with relativism. It t is a wormhole theory. To understand that, we need to study space-time. Those who have seen the film ‘Interstellar’ will understand it more easily. Let’s say there are two dots on each side of a piece of paper. Now to reach those two points, you have to walk along a straight line. But if the paper can be folded in some way, then the dots will come closer. Then you can blow those two points with the pen of your hand. Using the concept of time and space, it is possible to reach another time zone through the wormhole of the universe. Although this is theoretically possible, it has yet to be proven. Scientists are not able to say that if wormholes exist or not. Because there was no concrete evidence. So, even if it happens in cinema or literature, in reality we are still far away from it.
However, there seems to be a ‘realistic’ way to approach the future. At least, that’s what it seems like. But going back to the past is even more difficult. And there are serious doubts about whether this is possible. “It’s possible,” says Canadian physicist Barak Sashani. It can’t happen again. We don’t know enough about it yet. ” There’s no option but we have to wait. And that reminds me of another great scientist. He is Stephen Hawking. “If time travel really existed, why didn’t we see someone from the future come to this time?” he asked. ” How can such questions of people like him silence our imagination? Is it all just an illusion? I don’t want to think about that. It’s nice to think that one day people will break the time barrier. After all, it’s all about the future. Therefore, it is not recommended to trust the favorite movie, series or story-novel story and go into the thrill.